July 8, 2013

ghost stories ...

I've been watching a lot of Celebrity Ghost Stories on the bio channel lately. If you haven't seen it, it's basically a few actors/musicians sharing their stories of past encounters with spirits. I find it interesting because no two stories are ever alike - and because I believe in all that stuff having had a few experiences of my own. It's funny, if you talk to enough people you'll always find someone who has a story to tell.

Click here to read about my ghostly tales ...

Do you have any stories to share? Feel free to share in a comment... 

**** Please consider making a donation to the fundraiser on my page. You will be helping a wife and mother of three who has been diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant with her fourth child. Her cancer is spreading and she is in desperate need of donations to fund her treatments. It's a life or death situation and my friends are relying on the kindness of strangers to get them through. If you have anything to spare PLEASE do so. Pass the link along to anyone you know who may be in a position to help. Unfortunately getting information to "go viral" isn't as easy as it sounds. Thank you!

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