December 29, 2010

i ALMOST made it ...

Blah. Haven't been feeling good the past couple of days - sinus infection or something. I ALMOST made it a full year without being under the weather. The last time I was sick was New Years Eve 2009. Oh well. It could be much worse, I hear the stomach bug is going around. Even though that only lasts 24 hours I think I would rather be in this situation. I am trying to drink hot tea - which I loathe - to soothe my raw, scratchy throat that keeps me up all night. I have only slept about four hours in the past two days which is a far cry from my regular eight or nine per night. I am hoping tonight is different. I even tried an afternoon nap today to no avail. 

Foggy headed, I have spent the majority of my time on the couch or in my recliner watching movies and television. I did make a delicious roast in the crock pot today with carrots and celery and some mashed potatoes. I looked forward to it all day and man, it was well worth the wait. 

Gregg surprised me with pale pink roses - he feels bad when I can't sleep and don't feel well. How sweet is that?? I was so surprised, it was really nice. Mom came by this morning with some cough drops, more tissues and honey for my tea - another very sweet gesture. Sometimes I still feel like a little girl when I'm sick. Especially when my mom runs an errand for me. Ha ha. The great thing is that since I'm not working I don't have to deal with the guilt of having to call in sick or the horror of sitting in an office cubicle with a balloon head and three boxes of kleenex. I can rest up in the comfort of my own home, in owl pajamas with a red nose that is not masked with makeup.   


  1. Boo! Being sdick around the holidays sucks! Wish I could come visit and bring you some snacks :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon.
    I love the picture - looks like you when you were little. You even have your Christmas pj's on..

  3. Oooh Joanna, I wish you could too! Your recipes make me drool.

    ... and yes, I am having trouble letting go of the owl pjs - i am sad when they're in the hamper!


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