July 25, 2013


My mom is entertaining miss Scarlett for the day which gives me "free-play." Instead of doing my nails and watching a John Hughes movie marathon I decided to spend my time wisely by sending out my children's book manuscripts to new publishers. I used to send exclusive submissions (which means I send the manuscript to one publisher only and if I don't hear back within three months I submit elsewhere) but I've decided to send multiple submissions from here on out. Life is too short, I'm putting it all on the table!

Today I sent a total of eight submissions. Three publishing companies, three manuscripts and one batch of artwork. All I can say is cross your fingers and wish me luck. I can do this a thousand times over and never hear a word. I've received a few rejection letters in the past but usually it's crickets - I just keep track of time and move on. I have to say, sending a few at a time raises my hopes just a bit more - not enough to the point where I'll be super disappointed to be rejected, but it's nice to feel hopeful. Ya never know until you try, right? Nobody is going to knock on my door and ask if I've written anything. I'm just going to keep chucking my work in your face, world! Love it or leave it.

Now that my three hours of hard work and trip to the post office is complete and dinner is in the crock pot I'm going to look into designing iPhone cases. Why not, right?


  1. Awesome, good for you!
    I self-published my first book, because I just could not wait to find the right publisher... In hindsight it wasn't great, because having an editor is worth sooo much. I lucked out and was approached by a publisher to write two books for them, but the first one is still bugging me... it could have done so much better.
    Get as much feedback as you can and keep sending it out! I would love to hear about it and I wish you lots of luck!

    1. Thanks Kerstin! I appreciate the advice and support and will keep you posted! Congratulations to you, hope you have lots of success!!!

  2. And don't forget to send a second letter to those crickets! It doesn't hurt to send them a note asking about your first sendout. That's how I got my first wholesale order:)

    1. Thanks! I really never thought to do that and I'm not sure why. Congrats on your continued achievements - hard work does pay off, huh?


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