October 16, 2013

Blog template woes ...

For anyone who actually notices that I change my stupid background and header and all the little doo-dad images and junk on a regular basis - rest easy, I think I'm done for a bit. It is truly a pain in the ass and it drives me insane. It's all because I really don't like what I put up - but after spending too many hours on it I have to leave it. When I get a few more hours to spare, I destroy the old version and make a new one. A new one that I normally hate just the same. This goes on for days and sometimes weeks and months until I finally find a decent fit. The fact that I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who notices it makes it all the more excruciating.

Today I am happy with it. I am liking the uncluttered "clean" look, simple two-color combo, plain enough header, easy fonts, and so on.

We'll see how long this lasts.

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